
Projects that involve coding, software design and development. (Dev Notes)

Featured Projects

Pano Preview
An app designed to quickly preview an equirectangular image tile as a 360° panorama. (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL)

Pattern Preview
A Chrome Extension designed for the visualization of patterns and textures in a simple, feature-rich interface. (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL)

An interactive image comparison app based on the 'Juxtapose' project. (PHP, JavaScript)

An interactive photo gallery. (PHP, SVG, JavaScript)

3D View
A lightweight web app for viewing terrain models created with evelation data and satellite imagery. (C/C++, HTML, CSS, JS, WebGL)

A protoype for an interactive book about Inspiration.

Anatomy of Typography
An interactive prototype for learning about typography.

Social App
An interactive prototype for for a social media app.

Back to Titanic
Splash page for a video trailer.

Vicious Circles
A generative art and animation project. (Created with SVG and JavaScript)

Vector Gallery
A prototype image gallery to display vector graphics. (HTML, CSS, JS, SVG)

Code Snippets

Various experiments, samples and snippets of code.

Plugins and extensions to jQuery

SVG: Basic Elements
Drawing Basic SVG Shapes

SVG: Presentation
Presentation Attributes & CSS

SVG: Strokes & Fills
Defining Shape Attributes

SVG: Additional Elements
Other "useful" elements

SVG: Inside HTML
Using SVG with HTML

SVG: Masking & Clipping
Defining Shape Attributes

SVG: Filter Tests
Experimenting with Filters

SVG: Scripting

SVG: jQuery
Manipulating SVG with jQuery

SVG: Animation
Declarative animation with SMIL, the ANIMATE element and related elements

SVG: Misc. Projects
Assorted SVG-related expirements and projects