Projects that involve coding, software design and development. (Dev Notes)
Featured Projects
The following are some of my recent/favorite projects...
Wep/App Dev
Interactive Design
Recent Dev Projects
Pano Preview
An app designed to quickly preview an equirectangular image tile as a 360° panorama. (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL)
Pattern Preview
A Chrome Extension designed for the visualization of patterns and textures in a simple, feature-rich interface. (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL)
An interactive image comparison app based on the 'Juxtapose' project. (PHP, JavaScript)
An interactive photo gallery. (PHP, SVG, JavaScript)
3D View
A lightweight web app for viewing terrain models created with evelation data and satellite imagery. (C/C++, HTML, CSS, JS, WebGL)
Interactive Design Projects
A protoype for an interactive book about Inspiration.
Anatomy of Typography
An interactive prototype for learning about typography.
Social App
An interactive prototype for for a social media app.
Back to Titanic
Splash page for a video trailer.
Vicious Circles
A generative art and animation project. (Created with SVG and JavaScript)
Vector Gallery
A prototype image gallery to display vector graphics. (HTML, CSS, JS, SVG)
Code Snippets
Various experiments, samples and snippets of code.
Plugins and extensions to jQuery
SVG: Basic Elements
Drawing Basic SVG Shapes
The RECT Element
The CIRCLE Element
The ELLIPSE Element
The LINE Element
The POLYLINE Element
The POLYGON Element
The PATH Element
The TEXT Element
SVG: Presentation
Presentation Attributes & CSS
Simple Shapes A - No Presentation (Default Fill Color)
Simple Shapes B - Styling with SVG Presentation Attributes
Simple Shapes C - Styling with Internal Style Sheets (CSS)
Simple Shapes D - Styling with External CSS
Simple Shapes E - CSS Overrides Presentation Attributes
SVG: Strokes & Fills
Defining Shape Attributes
Stroke (and related attributes)
Fill (and related attributes)
Fill: fill-opacity attribute
Fill Pattern: Graph Paper
Fill Pattern: Diagonal Lines
Fill Pattern: Diagonal Crosses
SVG: Additional Elements
Other "useful" elements
The G Element (Groupings)
The USE Element (Re-use Graphic Elements)
The USE Element Again (Loading External SVG)
The SYMBOL Element (Graphic Templates)
The IMAGE Element (Loading Images)
The A, ANCHOR Element (Hyperlinks in SVG)
The ForeignObject Element (Inserting HTML into SVG)
SVG: Inside HTML
Using SVG with HTML
SVG: Masking & Clipping
Defining Shape Attributes
SVG: Filter Tests
Experimenting with Filters
SVG: Scripting
Create SVG with JavaScript (Generate SVG <text> Element)
Button Test/Mouse Events (Testing Various Methods to Build Buttons)
SVG: jQuery
Manipulating SVG with jQuery
Create SVG with jQuery (Generate a simple SVG file)
Manipulating SVG: Test A
Manipulating SVG: Test B
Replacing HTML Text with SVG
SVG: Animation
Declarative animation with SMIL, the ANIMATE element and related elements
Animate XML Attributes
Animate CSS Attributes
Animate XML/CSS Attributes (Animating multiple attributes and shapes)
Synchronized Animation (Synchronizing the motion of two shapes)
Repeating Animation (Repeating motion n times)
Repeating Indefinitely (Creating a constant animation loop)
Break the Indefinite Loop (Canceling a constant animation loop)
SVG: Misc. Projects
Assorted SVG-related expirements and projects
Basic 3D Cube
Basic 3D Cubes (Re-use with USE)
Basic 3D Cubes from External SVG (Import with USE; restyle with CSS)